错误思路:“It’s Not About You”.
- For the money.
- It seems like a nice place to work.
- My cousin Fred works for you, and he says the benefits are great.
- Because I know I can make a really good contribution.
- Because I know you have an opening for ______________, and I am qualified.”

分析原因:“What’s Wrong with Those Answers?”
- 答案的重点都集中在这份工作对你的好处上。虽然很多公司都致力于维持员工的快乐指数。但此时他们并不关心你的利益,而是想知道雇佣你可以给公司带来什么好处。
- 答案并不能体现你了解公司的需求。面试官想确定你对这份工作真的很感兴趣,而一个含糊其辞的、以自我为中心的回答并不能体现出这点。
充分准备:“Do Your Homework”
为了将自己顺利的推销出去,准备一些例如“你最大的优点是什么?””我们为什么要雇佣你?” “说说你自己?” “你对我们了解多少?” “你为什么想在这里工作?”这样的问题也是有必要的。
了解职位。展示你的优势与职位、公司文化的完美契合,表明你的“想要”与公司的“需要”是一致的。但同时要避免表现出“any job you find me qualified for”。
- Know the interviewers and hiring manager (if possible)
Sample Answers
I have used your software products for many years, and always been very impressed with the innovations and consistent concern for helping your customers learn how to use them effectively. With the high quality of your products, marketing them almost feels like a public service. I would greatly enjoy helping you to continue to innovate and to increase your market share.
This company has a wonderful reputation as a great place to work. You place high value on your employees and encourage them to learn, grow, and innovate inside the company. This means that employees happily work here for many years, far beyond the average length with one employer. And, according to your customers, the high quality of your products and services reflect your high employee satisfaction, which is not surprising. This feels like a win-win-win for stockholders, employees, and customers, and I would be very happy to join this organization.
This firm has the reputation of being one of the leading accounting firms in this state, with a list of impressive customers as well as high customer satisfaction rates. Your partners are frequent speakers at national conferences, advocating strong security measures to protect financial transactions and information. These are signs that this firm is a leader, not a follower. With my background in cybersecurity, I’m very interested in applying the newest technology plus common sense practices to keep this sensitive information as safe as possible.
软技能很重要,但若想求职所向披靡,认真准备,系统学习相关硬技能是很有必要的。成立于2015年的直通硅谷,经过8年与同学们没日没夜并肩奋战,已经累计帮助同学们拿到4900+ OFFER!